Online dating is great because it's like speed dating - with the exception that you don't have to leave the house, waste gas and/or money and most important feel or get embarrass. First impression is everything even when writing your or responding to emails.
Do's & Dont's:
You will find on dating websites that there maybe many people interested in you; It is a great idea to take your time in responding to there interest. It is no different than flifting, you don't want to look desperate and weird while potentially running an interested party away from you. Respond to that person within a few days. This gives you time to read there profile, research as much information about them as possible. By doing this you are automatically preparing the perfect introduction in which it will bring about great conversation.
Approach your introduction about yourself as if this was business or a job interview. When you are applying for that perfect job, you make sure you let that potential employer know that you have value and that you are far worth more than being a candidate. After all your job is your life and this is how you survive. Well a dating introduction is the exact same way. Remember that this person is is interested in dating someone also, so you don't really have to worry about an initial online rejection.
1.) Make sure you are presentable
2.)Great Accessories and/or Jewelry says alot about your attitude and style (
3.) Please use proper language accordingly
4.) Don't talk to much
4.) Be honest